Antoc Merrick (46 BBY-0 BBY) was a General of the Alliance during the early Galactic Civil War. He was killed in action during the Battle of Scarrif in 0 BBY.
Antoc Merrick was born on Virjuansi in 46 BBY, and he joined the Rebel Alliance at the start of the Galactic Civil War. Merrick became a General of the Rebel Alliance, and he led Blue Squadron, a squadron of X-wing pilots that launched raids against the Galactic Empire. In 0 BBY, Mon Mothma sent Merrick and his squadron to assist the rebels in the Battle of Scarrif, and his squadron helped in providing air support for the rebel volunteers on the ground. However, several TIE fighters were scrambled to fight back, and Merrick's X-wing's engines were shot out, causing him to crash and die.